We invite you to come participate in the 2016 Edmonton River Valley Junior Golf tournament, presented by the Edmonton Journal!
July 23 and 24th young golfers will take to the course at Rundle Golf Course for this traditional summer event. It's a fun, relaxed way for kids to experience the excitement of a golf tournament and strengthen their connection to the game.
Choose between:
1) Golf 9 holes only - July 23rd (Cost: $15) No caddy - 8-18 years old.
2) Golf 9 holes only - July 23rd (Cost:$15) With a caddy - 6-18 years old (Please note that you are required to provide your own caddy who must be 18 years of age or older)
3) Golf 9 holes each day - July 23rd and 24th (total of 18 holes over 2 days) (Cost: $25) No caddy - 8-18 years old.
(tee times will be starting at 8:00 am)
This event is open to all Junior golfers between the age of 6-18 years of age who love to golf! All skill levels are welcome to come on out and have some fun. Junior golfers who are 6-7 years of age will only be eligible to golf 9 holes July 23rd and will be required to bring their own caddy who is 18 years of age or older.
Only registered participants and approved caddies will be allowed on the golf course. No parents or spectators will be allowed for the safety of the participants and organisers of the event. Motorized golf carts will not be used by the participants for this event.
All information regarding your registration, tee times and other announcements for this event will be done via email. Please note that you will be notified of your tee off time prior to the tournament start date - information will be sent to email address(es) provided.
Cost of registration includes: green fees, food, prizes and tee gift.
Limited spots available so register early so you aren't disappointed.
Parents - we will be looking for volunteers to help with activities throughout the day(s) of the event. Please indicate in the registration process if you are interested in helping out.